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ARCHIVES : 309 forms

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EPI3 - Cohort of Patients with Three Common Diseases (Musculoskeletal Pain; Sleep, Anxiety and Depressive Disorders and Upper Respiratory Infections): Study on the Impact of Homoeopathic Treatment

Head : Abenhaim Lucien
Begaud Bernard, U 657 Inserm

Version 1


Last update : 01/01/2020


EPI3 - Cohort of Patients with Three Common Diseases (Musculoskeletal Pain; Sleep, Anxiety and Depressive Disorders and Upper Respiratory Infections): Study on the Impact of Homoeopathic Treatment

Head : Abenhaim Lucien
Begaud Bernard, U 657 Inserm

Main objective

The aim of these three groups was to assess the difference between conventional and homoeopathic treatment.

Inclusion criteria

Patients with:
– musculoskeletal pain (MSP);
– mixed-depressive disorder (MADD)
– upper respiratory infections (URI)

- Cross-sectional study of pregnant women or women who have recently given birth, on exposure, knowledge and perception of the risks of tobacco

Head : Dumas Agnès, Centre for Epidemiological and Population Health Research (CESP)

Version 1


Last update : 10/20/2017


- Cross-sectional study of pregnant women or women who have recently given birth, on exposure, knowledge and perception of the risks of tobacco

Head : Dumas Agnès, Centre for Epidemiological and Population Health Research (CESP)

Main objective

The objective of this study was to measure prenatal and postnatal tobacco exposure, assess women's perceptions and knowledge and identify risk factors.

Inclusion criteria

Pregnant women or women who have recently given birth from the Family Service file
Women volunteering to participate in the study

PELAGIE - Assessment of the Impact of Exposure to Occupational and Environmental Chemicals During Pregnancy on Pregnancy Outcome and Child Development

Head : Chevrier Cécile, IRSET U1085 INSERM Université Rennes 1

Version 3


Last update : 09/05/2017


PELAGIE - Assessment of the Impact of Exposure to Occupational and Environmental Chemicals During Pregnancy on Pregnancy Outcome and Child Development

Head : Chevrier Cécile, IRSET U1085 INSERM Université Rennes 1

Main objective

General objective: to assess the impact of early-life exposure to occupational and environmental chemicals on pregnancy outcome and child development, including exposure to solvents, pesticides, persistants pollutants and chlorinated derivatives in water.

Secondary objectives:
- to identify environmental sources and individual determinants (socio-demographic characteristics, lifestyle, genetic susceptibility) of exposure to pollutants measured by biomarkers
- to investigate the respective roles of prenatal exposure and exposure during childhood

Inclusion criteria

Women in their first trimester of pregnancy (less than 19 weeks amenorrhoea) living in one of the "départements" participating in the study.

ECAAP - Cross-sectional survey on the addictive behaviour of Polynesian adolescents

Head : Renou Laurence
Guignard Romain

Version 1


Last update : 01/01/2019


ECAAP - Cross-sectional survey on the addictive behaviour of Polynesian adolescents

Head : Renou Laurence
Guignard Romain

Main objective

This is a school-based survey that provides an epidemiological and sociological assessment of the situation. A number of questions about their health, their living conditions, their everyday concerns, their level of well-being and their interests allow us to profile Polynesian adolescents.

Inclusion criteria

Students from year 7 to the final year, Centres for Young Adolescents (CJA), Centre for Education for Appropriate Technologies for Development (CETAD), Development Education Centres (CED) and Family and Rural Homes (MFR) included (in French Polynesia).

SOHO-France - Cohort of Schizophrenic Patients Receiving Antipsychotic Drugs

Head : Gasquet Isabelle

Version 1


Last update : 09/05/2017


SOHO-France - Cohort of Schizophrenic Patients Receiving Antipsychotic Drugs

Head : Gasquet Isabelle

Main objective

To provide information on patients monitored as outpatients, regardless of antipsychotic treatment received and to provide answers, especially regarding treatment adherence and remission rates, as well as relapse rates over a three-year monitoring period.

Inclusion criteria

Schizophrenic adult patients monitored as outpatients and randomly recruited by psychiatrists.

FRAMIG 3 - Cross-sectional study on the recognition and therapeutic management of migraine

Head : Radat Francoise
Lucas Christian

Version 1


Last update : 10/20/2017


FRAMIG 3 - Cross-sectional study on the recognition and therapeutic management of migraine

Head : Radat Francoise
Lucas Christian

Main objective

Assess the proportion of migraine sufferers who are aware of their illness
Determine the factors (disability, quality of life, psychiatric comorbidities, medical consultations) that may lead to becoming aware of migraine
Assess the influence of these factors on migraine attacks.

Inclusion criteria

Randomly selected subjects from the ACCESS-SANTE database

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